> If a doctor posted a plan for passing the medical boards would your first thought be "Wow, look at that massive medical monoculture problem!" That seems like a ridiculous stretch in my opinion.
This analogy doesn't work. It's basically the final part of your education in that field (and others). If every hospital / medical center made you quit for a few months to study for their interviews when you switch jobs it would be an analogy. Oh we only hire people who can find a vein in 15 seconds under a suboptimal lighting situation.
If every hospital felt the need to interview doctors assuming they didn't know how to practice medicine, doctors would definitely take time off between to study. But they don't, because they know everyone has a base level of knowledge. On the flip side I've interviewed people who simply cannot do basic coding tasks.
This analogy doesn't work. It's basically the final part of your education in that field (and others). If every hospital / medical center made you quit for a few months to study for their interviews when you switch jobs it would be an analogy. Oh we only hire people who can find a vein in 15 seconds under a suboptimal lighting situation.