Not car-hours, but a Falcon 9 launch apparently has similar impact to a 777 crossing the Atlantic. Not nothing, but surprisingly little all things considered.
per capita, sure. Another way to think about it is this capsule is flying what, twice a year? One 777 will do 2 trips in 24 hrs, 365 days a year. Then add up the thousands of planes doing that a day. I'd be worried if we ALL had a reason (and the means) to take frivolous space flights. Which may come some day out of all this, who knows anymore!?!
Agreed, though without considering it as such if someone asked me to compare to an airliner I would have placed it between 10-100x the emissions, and would not have been surprised at more!
This caused me to look up largest parking lots. You can fit approximately that many cars in the parking lots at Disney in Florida on any given day (11k+ spots). Though I don't know how full they actually get.