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Ask HN: Freelancer? Seeking freelancers? (June 2011)
90 points by whoishiring on June 1, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 69 comments
Please lead with either SEEKING WORK or SEEKING FREELANCER, your location and whether remote work is a possibility.


Nomadic - currently in Hong Kong, will be in Albuquerque next week and possibly LA/SF around the end of the month.

I've worked professionally with python, ocaml and erlang. I've worked in search ( http://bit.ly/ji-texsearch-opt , https://github.com/jamii/texsearch ), testing ( http://bit.ly/ji-fuzzer , https://github.com/jamii/ocamlcheck ), distributed systems ( http://bit.ly/ji-mealy ) and am making inroads into p2p ( https://github.com/jamii/dissertation , http://bit.ly/ji-telehash , https://github.com/jamii/erl-telehash ). I have a strong background in math (real analysis, probability, discrete maths) and computer science (randomized algorithms, AI / epistemic logic, machine learning).

I'm willing to work on anything but my main interests are distributed systems and p2p networks. My current project is described here http://bit.ly/ji-mist - if you are working on something similar or interested in collaborating please get in touch.

Resume - http://bit.ly/ji-about

Blog - http://bit.ly/ji-blog

Github - https://github.com/jamii

References - http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=65525388#recommendat...

Hmm. Lots of employers in the the on-site jobs thread. Lots of job seekers in the freelance thread. We've long had the technology to work remotely, now we're just waiting for corporations to catch up to the 21st century.

Most of the people seeking work seem to be designers and specialists in Wordpress or Drupal and the like. The job seekers nearly all want remote contract work.

Most of the job posters (in the other thread) are looking for full time developers and are concentrated in SF, NY, and Boston. They want programmers on site.

It's either a market imbalance or a communication disconnect.

I've been a remote worker for maybe 5y now. I realise now that I've spent more time working remotely than I have in an office. My experience with getting hired on various jobs has been: the people with who(m?) I've worked remotely with before (for example, because they've been somewhere else at a different organisation) have absolutely no problem (and are enthusiastic even) about hiring me, and the people who have not interacted with me in that way, and especially not worked with remote workers before are really very wary indeed - but the enthusiasm of the people who have worked with me remotely is enough to overcome that. There's clearly a division, and clearly people can move from one side to the other, but it seems very individual: people are happy for me to work remotely rather than for "staff in general" to work remotely. So there's a reputation thing going on - but it doesn't seem a reputation that is widely understood - its a reputation understood only by a set of people who've had the experience. I don't really know how that reputation can be propagated and understood by others without the hard sell from someone already in there...

In these freelancer threads i always see a lot of SEEKING WORK but not much offers, wondering how the contractor doc performs...

SEEKING WORK Remote only - I live in Dallas

Languages/Frameworks I love: Ruby on Rails, PHP/CodeIgniter, Python/Django, CSS3, Prototype, Scriptaculous

Languages I get along with: C#, JavaScript, jQuery

Languages I won't touch with a ten foot pole: C/C++, Perl

What I'm into lately: iPhone/Android mobile development, Readability/Instapaper APIs, RSS

What motivates me: Freedom. Being professional, but working the way that's best for me. Hard problems that can be solved with finesse.

Github Link: http://github.com/jwwest My 'lil LLC: http://www.treehousemobile.net/ My blargh: http://www.thefuturewithjetpacks.com/

References available upon request, natch.


Remote (close to EST) or on site in NJ.

Looking for a p/t freelance rails developer, and a designer/front end UI/UX person to assist me with new product/service features.

Our current stack is: (for all you developers)

Rails 3.0.x


Linode VPS w/ S3 & SES

HAML/SASS (and soon coffeescript)

We also use git and capistrano for versioning and deployment

Ideal individuals would be those who have experience in the music industry building services to stream (and scale) content to end users.

Please contact support [at] dblsystems [dot] com with the header "HN DESIGNER", "HN DEVELOPER", "HN UI/UX" or some similar combination so it doesn't get buried.

Be sure to send code/design samples, links to linked in, github, and all the other usuals stuff....


There are so many people out there looking for work, sometimes I think I could just be the middle man and take on 4-5x as many projects and just pass them on to these freelancers and make money that way...

If you can get 4x-5x the projects, that is definitely a good model to start your own web design company.

I wouldn't mind having an agent. Looking for work is annoying.


Throwaway account here, I haven't posted for freelancers before and don't know what the spam level will be.

Our startup is looking for a remote freelancer(s) to help with various Javascript development tasks. Ideally you'll have experience with raw JS or a cross-framework JS experience as well as high comfort level with HTML, CSS and the DOM.

We have a large volume of small discrete projects and could use some help in working through them.

You can contact me at: nycengineerjobs@gmail.com

Please feel free to pass along a resume, portfolio site, github link, etc along with your current rate.



Nomadic - in Boulder, CO for at least the next two months.

Generalist developer looking to build up clientele. I have a strong background in scientific computing / algorithms, but I've been recently working with Node.js and websockets and have been loving it.

Got some number-crunching that's dog-slow and don't know why? I'd love to talk to you. I love a challenge.

C, C++, Python, Numpy + Matplotlib

Currently working with: Node.js, MongoDB, jQuery, underscore.js

Would love an excuse to learn: Clojure, backbone.js, Erlang, OpenCL

Resume: http://bit.ly/jeremy_resume Email in profile

SEEKING WORK - Nomadically traveling the world (currently in .ca) - Remote only, availability up to 20h/wk

Currently do web dev front to back on Rails/jQuery/real life js/MySQL/Postgres. Can do PHP, Django, but usually only for porting to Rails. Rebuilt the .pro registry and did most of the Washington Post's 2008 online election coverage.

github: http://github.com/pushcx blog: http://push.cx email: ph@ the blog


I'm looking for a freelance Rails dev to help me with Talkbee (http://talkb.ee). It's a knowledge marketplace where you can book sessions with experts.

I'm in Paris, France but remote work is no problem. I'm looking for someone who's motivated by the project, but unlike most of the "join my startup so we can become the next Facebook" things I'm definitely willing to pay you for your time.

If interested, email me at hello[at]talkb.ee

Hello Sacha, I just shot you an email.

Your portfolio is amazing and I'd love to work with you. I've actually stumbled upon your blog in the wild before, and your post about designers who can't code and vice versa hit home for me. Although I'm primarily a programmer, I've made it a point to cultivate an eye for design (contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity - CRAP - as one book so humorously reinforced), striving for elegantly simple user interfaces, and working closely with graphic designers to straddle the form/function fulcrum in a balanced way.

I hope to hear back from you!

Regards, Jonathan

SEEKING FREELANCER - New York City preferred, would consider remote.

We need an iOS developer with experience building games or picture book apps. We'd love to talk to someone who has also done Android development or used cross platform tools like phonegap or titanium, but that's not required.

Please send a link to an app I can install, a video of an app, or something else that demonstrates how great you are. gbrown@scholastic.com


I'm a Drupal contractor in search of a good Drupal themer who can help me on projects. I have one immediate project and others coming down the pipe over the next few months. I would build the back-end and provide you with the functional site and PSDs so you can build the theme.

I'm looking for someone who: - Already has experience building themes for several Drupal sites - Is comfortable using the Zen theme - Never, never uses !important in stylesheets - Knows the difference between _padding-right and %padding-right. - Prefers to reuse CSS classes wherever possible rather than duplicating style declarations - Knows what l() and t() are and uses them - Generally available and responsive to emails in the 9a-5pm Pacific timeframe

It's a bonus if you know jQuery and excellent if you know PHP.

If interested please send me an email with a brief note about yourself and some links to work you've done. My email is in my profile. Thanks!


Portland, Oregon or remote

Data analysis & visualization: on the web using HTML, SVG, and JavaScript, but I also like the constraints of print / PDF (via LaTeX + Illustrator). I typically use a combination of Ruby + R + SQL. My machine learning experience is in classification problems---typically some dimensionality reduction like SVD or sparse dictionary learning followed by a support vector machine. I'm waiting desperately for social media network graphs to blow over.

Kindle application development: I'm one of the handful of developers in Amazon's private SDK beta making "active content" for everyone's favorite ultra low power black and white mobile device. See http://keminglabs.com

Portfolio: http://www.dirigibleFlightcraft.com Github: https://github.com/lynaghk/


Easley, South Carolina USA (Willing to work remotely or on-site)

Can do front-end xHTML/CSS/jQuery/AJAX (expert in all) and even a little design

Can do back-end OO PHP (expert), MySQL (expert), LAMP stack (intermediate in Linux shell / Apache administration)

My site & Portfolio: http://jneal.com

Recently completed sites: http://www.instigateclothing.com http://www.alienantfarm.com http://www.12stones.com http://www.egyptcentral.net http://www.chris-adler.com

I can take an entire project from start to finish, or fit seamlessly into your existing team of designers and developers. Use contact information from my website if interested.


I've got lots of experience (3.5+ years on the job) and a degree in CS. I'm getting bored of agency work and would prefer to work with a respectable startup or well-known company. I've worked on sites of large companies. I've got lots of open sourced material and a blog I'm willing to share. I'm FULL of ideas with an entrepreneurial spirit. Interested parties must be willing to hear my idea rants every so often and at least appear vaguely amused or interested :)

* LAMP developer

* SQL skills

* Frontend developer skills (a boatload of jQuery)

* Zend/Kohana/Subversion/Git/Cap/Network Admin skills

* Love creating scalable code and solving scalability issues

* Client/agency experience

* Worked with NoSQL solutions in production.

* Love to learn, willing to pick up on technologies

* I'm on the east coast.

I consider myself more senior than junior. I've worked with my fair share of developers and realized I need to work with individuals sharing my passion.

Send details my way. I'll be sure to reply with a more appropriate introduction.


this is a throwaway.


You wanna be awesome? You bet you do. I can see it tattooed on your forehead. It says "I wanna be awesome".

Right underneath that, it says, "I want my Wordpress blog to be awesome too. Please?"

Maybe Xzibit can pimp your ride and make you awesome, but guess what homesauce - I can make your Wordpress blog awesome.

I'm a critic, and I'll critique the hell outta that Wordpress blog you've got. Design, SEO, plugins, security, branding, navigation, post titles, and all that grammar. Whatever, player. You want it to shine? I'll do more than spit on it. I'll give you the insight you need make it awesome; awesome enough to pony up the cash for a laser tattoo removal. Maybe awesome enough to call up Xzibit and not have your voice crack when you ask for some new hubcaps. Word.



Remote or on-site in Connecticut. Will travel at your expense if requested.

Strengths: Mostly front-end stuff, although I'm really infatuated with CouchDB right now and am in the middle of several CouchApp projects. I'm also very comfortable with creating Wordpress themes, and will use Wordpress if CMS or blog functionality is desired.

Other: I can do some small-scale PHP and MySQL work, but as a support for the front-end stuff. I can do design work, but I don't spend a ton of time in Photoshop - my designs tend to be simple, but eye-pleasing and UX-focused.

Oh, and when I'm not working on a website, I'm working on a game.

Email: andrewrabon@gmail.com GitHub: https://github.com/andrewrabon Resume: http://goo.gl/3mBVO


Looking for someone who has experience of Contao (Typolight) CMS and is able to take PSD and make them work with the templating system in Typolight. Please only contact me if you can show me a Contao site you have done. Remote work is fine peteloaf [at] me.com


Web UI designer - HTML5/CSS3/JS - from concept to finished product, no bullshit.

Experienced working with developers, version control, template languages, Sass, Stylus, etc++ across time zones.

Portfolio site -> http://nylira.com

SEEKING WORK - Baja, Mexico - Remote

Generalist Developer seeking a good project to take on, fully proficient on LAMP architecture, and on frontend, vast experience working on marketing agencies, good practice is a given.

Have experience Scripting as well, Bash, Perl, Python, and even PHP on CLI, can help take on any DB Problem as well.

http://ramonroche.com/ https://github.com/mrpollo

Dont Forget to check References on LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ramon-roche/6/548/47

SEEKING WORK - France - Available anywhere

Freelancer for about 2 years, specializes in Flex, Air, PHP Application/site development. Main programming languages : AS3, MXML, PHP Secondary programming languages : Javascript - Ajax, HTML, CSS


Remote or on-site in Jacksonville, FL. I will travel at your expense if requested.

Stuff I want to do: Clojure, Ruby (with or without Rails), Haskell, Lisp, Lua. I tend to prefer backend to frontend but I'm up for anything. Machine learning and AI stuff is especially interesting to me, but I'm content making website backends, desktop apps or anything else.

Other stuff I can do: Javascript, PHP, HTML, CSS, Java (a little), C (kinda rusty), Python (a little), basic *nix server administration, languages I've never heard of (I pick them up fast).


SEEKING WORK - SE Asia (American currently living abroad) - Remote with possibility of on-site anywhere in the US starting in August.

Run personal Django websites for myself and friends, and am developing a complex sales/registration site in Django for a technical training company.

Experience with scientific programming in Python/C++ - notably in image processing.

Strong knowledge of Java (was a curriculum manager/developer and on-site trainer for Java for 2 years).



New York, NY or remote

Ruby/Rails/Javascript engineer with experience developing with HTML5 and CSS3 features for multiple platforms. I am very versatile when it comes to languages, and I can code in Objective-C and ActionScript as well. I've done Flash development for 4 years prior to switching to Rails about 2 years ago. I have experience with Agile development methods, and communicate easily with non-technical people.

Please drop me a line.

My portfolio: http://websava.com


I live in Italy, and do Rails work, mostly, these days, although I've done Erlang, C, Tcl, Java (mostly related to mobile) and other things in the past.


I've done a number of Django apps and projects and am looking for some great ways to spend my extra time. Also know Rails and C#, but just greatly enjoy Python.

I'm in the middle of putting together something for florida programmers looking for work. Send me a quick email if you'd like to be notified when it's up and running. brandon -at- brandoncordell.com


Boca Raton, FL

Mainly Ruby on Rails.

I've done work with HAML/HTML/ERB, CSS, some jQuery, and a multitude of gems to build fully functional websites and web apps.

Available immediately and able to communicate through IM, Skype, Phone and email.

Email is in profile

Github: https://github.com/gduplessy | Resume: http://gduplessy.com/resume.html | Blog: http://gduplessy.com/


SEEKING WORK (Designer) - Currently in London, frequently works remotely and can relocate for contract duration at reasonable notice.

Portfolio: http://zoltanray.com

I design interfaces and lead creative teams for websites and mobile apps. I've designed for some of the biggest companies in the world (HSBC, British Airways, Tesco) and numerous startups. Over 100 completed projects in the last 8 years.


New York City.

I have ten years experience with ASP, ASP.NET, C#, Javascript, SQL etc. Along with SAP/ ABAP. In the last few years I have been using python, django, javascript etc. In general I am an all rounder and my past two roles have been as senior/team lead.

I married an American and (as of two days ago) I have permission to work in the US. I would like to stay away from Microsoft products for the most part but I would consider a mix.

email: shanebest99[@]gmail.com


Experienced Web Developer, recently moved from Toronto to Edinburgh. Seeking PHP/Python/JavaScript/HTML projects (add Ruby to that list shortly). Find my linkedin profile here: http://www.linkedin.com/in/janlasbic

Would prefer to work locally, but if you like what you see and have an interesting project for remote work don't hesitate.

SEEKING WORK - Miami,Florida- Available anywhere

I can build custom WordPress themes from scratch, help with minor tweaks etc.

I also have knowledge in Drupal, Joomla! and Magento.

Skills: HTML/CSS JavaScript (basic/intermediate) PHP (basic/intermediate)

here are my samples and you can contact me through the site too http://www.codeitforyou.com/gallery


Mountain View, CA, remote

Frontend engineer with experience at Yahoo and Mozilla. Expert in frontend performance, layered semantic markup, CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, etc.

Preferable tasks: frontend optimization and scalability consulting. About 10-15 hours/week availability.

http://ryandoherty.net/ ryan@ryandoherty.net

Seeking Work - Remote

Let me handle your screencasting so you can focus on doing what you love: working on your code. I'm an experienced marketer and product manager who wants to help put your product on display and reduce your support volume. Let's reach your target market and better support your users.

Contact me: justin.burdett AT gmail.com

SEEKING WORK - Washington DC, Metropolitan Area or Remote

Lots of Ruby on Rails and Objective-C experience. I like coupling Rails backends with Objective-C frontends. A good example rails site that I've built is http://barsannapolis.com/.

Blog: littlebitofcode.com

SEEKING (limited) WORK - Raleigh, NC - Offsite

Specializing in:

* Interactive, responsive, and easy to use web applications

* Javascript, SVG, jQuery based design tools (WYSIWYG)

* Scalable Content Creation for SEO and targeted traffic generation.

I have a background in Math, Clinical Trials Management Software, BPM/Workflow, and Industrial Process Control/Monitoring


We are creating a reddit-clone aimed at girls 16-30. We plan to re-skin and make minor adjustments to the code base. We have a fantastic marketing solution to get initial users. We would prefer someone to work part-time for equity.

Contact me at chase.greiner12 AT gmail DOT com

SEEKING WORK - Northern Arizona - remote work only

Jack of all trades web developer/sysadmin/UX designer. For a complete skill set list see:


Available for 2 month projects or smaller, 1099 only.

I can be emailed at tim.white (at) zulius.com for rate/quote/questions.



Looking for iPhone developer in the Chicagoland area to work on finishing a real estate app targeting professional users. MUST have submitted previous apps to the App Store, and preferable to have experience with Android and Blackberry as well.

Please email UniversalCapital1@gmail.com


Ruby/Rails development, server configuration/admin, HTML/CSS/Javascript/Photoshop. C++ work also, and I have some, but not much, experience with iOS.

Currently in London, UK.

My GitHub - https://github.com/jasonl Email: jason [at] jasonlangenauer.com


Remote or New Hampshire/Boston

I'm a web developer with equal experience on the backend with Rails and the frontend with HTML/CSS/jQuery. I have been central in the development, deployment, and maintenance of 3 production websites and 1 production web app. Here is a little background on a couple of my previous projects:

At one company, I inherited the company’s existing intranet “project management” Rails web app (http://metro-tek.org). I added major functionality including timesheets for payroll (covered by unit tests), automated email reporting, model and form validation, and PDF rendering. I fixed bugs and set up automated error notifications, backups, and deployment. I also wireframed, programmed and deployed a new corporate website (http://metroelectrical.com) written in Rails. I developed an internal CMS platform to update the website, and integrated CopyCopter for production copy editing.

For my freelance website (http://soliddesigngroup.net), I developed a custom blog platform and CMS for internal use. I developed the information hierarchy and wireframed the website. I translated the website from a PSD layout file into production code, including social media integration, server and client-side form validation, and dynamic front end programming. I created custom jQuery plugins, and set up error notification, automatic backups, and automated deployment.

Here is a sampling of the "best practices" software I roll in my Rails stack:

  * web server - Nginx + Passenger
  * version control - Git + Github
  * automated deploys - Capistrano
  * error notification - Hoptoad
  * automated backup - Backup
  * cron jobs - Whenever
  * HTML/CSS templating - Haml/Sass/Compass
  * Production copy editing - Copycopter
To view some examples of my work, check out my open source code at http://github.com/szTheory, or my freelance work at http://soliddesigngroup.net/portfolio. I can provide further code samples upon request.

This is by no means the limit of my abilities or experience, but a small sampling. Please contact me at the email address in my profile for a copy of my resume, and references upon request. I look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have for me!

Best regards, Jonathan


Looking for remote p/t work - I'm currently based in Auckland, NZ. But happy to work US hours.

Looking for work in Ruby/JS or ux/frontend design. Can also do any manner of wordpress/joomla theming etc.,

Also have iOS/Android mobile app development experience using Titanium and Phonegap.

cameron [at] ignite.co.nz

SEEKING WORK - Remote or Philadelphia area

Development projects I'll love: Content management systems (CMS), iPhone/iOS Development & web applications

I grok: Objective-C, Perl, Java, PHP, HTML/CSS/JS

Lots of experience in complex projects and mixed technology platforms.

Email with 'HN Freelance' to ben.shive /at/ gmail

SEEKING WORK Bowling Green, OH Web & UI design

Looking to build my clientele so I can work on the cheap (nothing below $1000) if necessary.

I have experience with HTML5, CSS3 jQuery, and Wordpress.

http://www.ryanglover.net for contact information.


Shoot me an email. I don't have anything currently, but I know quite a few people over here in Cleveland and stuff seems to be popping up all over right now

SEEKING WORK In India, I've worked on ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, SQL Server, C#, JQuery and other web related stuff with MS stack

Availability up to 20 hr/week

Reference - http://in.linkedin.com/in/maheshsingh


London (Through June) Colorado (Through July). Remote is fine.

Available for short term (< 6 week) projects. Web apps, et al. I work in php, python, html5/javascript, jquery, css, racket.


SEEKING WORK - Edinburgh, Scotland, UK - Available anywhere in UK

PHP Developer Interesting CV: http://bit.ly/kjYYgF Boring CV: http://bit.ly/kxOVZJ


Currently in the Philippines. New Zealand guys, I have a pending Skilled Immigrant Visa for New Zealand (application submitted last April 2011).

PHP, MySQL, jQuery (Javascript), Apache, Zend Framework, Wordpress, Joomla, etc.

PM me if you want more details.

SEEKING WORK - Baltimore, MD - Remote Work

I develop with PHP, jQuery and MySQL/SQLite. And I offer other services, such as copy-writing. LinkedIn profile: http://linkd.in/jExicZ

SEEKING WORK Remote Lahore, Pakistan Rails, Php, Javascript(JQuery), Facebook Twitter API's


An L.A. (US) based startup is looking for a contracting Django developer to push an on-going stealth project into private beta and beyond. Full-time preferred. My e-mail is in my profile. Remoting is OK.

SEEKING WORK - Remote, Moonlight

Server: C#, WCF, OData, Windows Azure

Client: JavaScript (jQuery), HTML, CSS

Mobile: Android

REST enthusiast. Great at UX design. Not so great at graphical design but I can easily make a PhotoShop mock-up work. Based in Buffalo, NY.


Madrid, Spain or remote

I'm a Java developer mostly doing web-backend and frontend work. Also very much into Python development including Django

homepage: http://bit.ly/java-dev

SEEKING FREEELANCER - NYC - Remote work possible but not preferred

We're building a shopping tool on Ruby/Postgres/jQuery and are looking for freelance developers

Email me at jobs (at) wantworthy (dot) com

Looking for a UX designer (contract) for an ASP MVC web application. (having ASP MVC skills is a plus) Preferably based in London. Contact info in profile.

SEEKING WORK - New York, NY - Remote OK

I will make your SQL queries fast.

I am most proficient in MySQL but can work with any major SQL rdbms (Postgres, Oracle, SQL Server)


SEEKING WORK - Phoenix, Arizona - Remote Work Yes

I like to develop web apps using Rails, Sinatra, and web.py. I'm also into Scala and C# development a bit.

SEEKING WORK - New York, NY - Remote I work with rails, mongoDB, and backbone.js. Open source work: github.com/codebrew


Islamabad, Pakistan.

I mostly do Python, Django and jQuery based projects.

Blog: http://asadjb.com


will code for Bitcoins

I can do Machine Learning, clustering, data mining, data cleaning, scraping, etc. Python and C++.

email: bitcoincoder@yahoo.com


Contact me if you need the highest quality front-end work. I am an expert in client side technologies HTML/CSS/JavaScript, cross-browser development, front-end optimization and can help with all the buzzwords (CSS3, HTML5, media queries/mobile ready). As a bonus: good grasp on accessibility and usability.

I am equally well-wersed in server-side stuff (PHP, MySQL and RoR) but currently not interested in this kind of contract just that my domain knowledge there will be helpful and make communication easier.

Preferable tasks: design to code implementation, front-end optimization.

REMOTE only. I am in Vilnius, Lithuania.



Las Vegas, Nevada USA

Remote work is fine

Need someone that care about my broken FaceBook game and is not just doing the work for the money i pay them.

The work requires a RoR programmer with FaceBook experience.

We can negotiate a pay rate based on your experience and performance.

If you're interested, you can take a look at the patient here: http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=107717989269...

Thank you.

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