How is it white, no light is able to go in direction from the center even after crossing event horizon (if that even possible to do mantaining ability to observe anything)
If you're in a space ship and you pass the event horizon- well, what passing the event horizon means is that your light cone has tilted such that the centre of the black hole is in your future, not some distance away in space. So from your point of view, it isn't that there's a direction in space light can't come from- you can potentially see things in all directions- it's just that your definition of space and time have changed such that the singularity isn't 1 kilometer away, it's 20 minutes away. But otherwise (ignoring your destruction due to growing tidal forces) things on your spaceships work normally-ish.
It also made me wonder, if the center of a black hole is blindingly white, what if that’s where our souls are pulled to when we die?