To be fair... he has convinced millions of people to put up $10k towards FSD. He’s laughing all the way to the bank. And we are....well...we’re on HackerNews complaining about him on a Friday night.
winning isn't on its own admirable, nor is complaining/criticizing on its own shameful. that's just the toxic ideology of "might makes right" that permeates our society
While I entirely agree with the sentiment of this post, I often find myself wondering - how does one effectively combat this attitude without making a full circle? How is anything to be established in society without some sort of "might", so to speak? Just a thought that resonated with me when I read your comment.
just to write it all out for clarity (not because I think you misunderstood):
the might makes right that I was pointing at is an attitude of "winning is everything. winners are superior, no matter how arbitrary or unfair the game."
the might makes right that you're pointing at is the fact that in the struggle to define laws and norms, there are winners and losers.
I think it's just a question of values. there is no "neutrality" - there is always a fight between competing values, and everyone picks a side. the value that says "winning is everything, winners deserve everything, losers can die in a ditch" is a bad value to me.