Wow that's pretty bad. I only watched about half the video - but it appears the Tesla is patiently waiting for the oncoming traffic to clear, same as any human driver would. And then when there is a suitable gap in incoming traffic that any human could accelerate calmly and normally across, to finish the turn correctly, the Tesla just doesn't go. And then in the time that it took to be indecisive, more cars appear and it decides "nope, not time to go now either, keep waiting". Then at 4:05 in the video it does decide to go and almost accelerates right into the path of an oncoming car.
At 5:01 in the video it clearly has plenty of time to go and just doesn't move.
When learning to drive you have to learn how to have the judgment to commit to a decision, the car seems incapable of that and keeps reevaluating its decisions at every step. The problem is that in these cases you have to commit and accelerate to make it through.
At 5:01 in the video it clearly has plenty of time to go and just doesn't move.