Efforts like this validate the observations that ride hailing has no moat.
Eventually, we'll have white labeled ride hailing hosting companies. So you're a specialty transport group in Cincinnati, eg for elderly and wheelchair bound customers. You get your own branded and slightly customized version for your niche. The hosting companies do all the tech.
Yay for co-ops, WDSEs, not-for-profits. Is that what this is? I expect stuff like charter, bylaws, list of board members, budget, etc. (Vs post-capitalist agitprop.) Here's Richard Wolff's popular treatment of this trend: https://www.democracyatwork.info For more context: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workers%27_self-management
Efforts like this validate the observations that ride hailing has no moat.
Eventually, we'll have white labeled ride hailing hosting companies. So you're a specialty transport group in Cincinnati, eg for elderly and wheelchair bound customers. You get your own branded and slightly customized version for your niche. The hosting companies do all the tech.