Hadn't heard of SuperMemo / spaced learning before and has been awesome reading about it tonight, especially relating to personal note-taking. That said, one thing about QCVC I'm not wild about (so far) is the amount of meta content / sales pitching it leads with. Like, I get it, you wanna convince people of the value of this approach, but I'd prefer a version that just did the thing (teach the basics of QC) instead of spending so much time talking about teaching you the thing. Its like if I was reading a textbook and it spent half of the time talking about why I should do / engage with the exercises... ideally the method / process should be self-justifying and not need to make a case for itself. I get that QCVC was geared towards proving the concept, so I guess just hoping if this starts getting used by other authors, they implement just the process rather than spend an inordinate amount of time talking about it.