Sounds like most of the JS libraries out there. I don't want to know what line of code in a library module that I didn't touch puked, I want to know what line of code that I wrote as the bit of stupidity. I just don't understand how that's considered helpful.
I've found that bashing my head against a black box isn't a good way to solve problems I encounter. I've dug into open source code or libraries innumerable times to either find a workaround for an error, patch the error, locate a bug ticket or file a bug ticket.
When it comes to JS UI frameworks they're not great a lot of the time. Working with Ember and the stack trace only goes as far back as their event loop scheduling something, or Angular JS used to throw their own custom errors with the stack trace of the original error in the string message which is not clickable in the browser as the browser only sees the stack trace of the newly thrown error.
Sounds like most of the JS libraries out there. I don't want to know what line of code in a library module that I didn't touch puked, I want to know what line of code that I wrote as the bit of stupidity. I just don't understand how that's considered helpful.