I just wanted to say that I am following you on twitter, and visit your web site on a regular basis. I am sure you have what it takes to make a million, and I will just sit here (in the UK) watching you do it ... and try to analyze how. Full of admiration, particularly for your earlier venture into marketing. I have to say I considered doing the same thing about a year ago when I was made redundant and researched some of the Chinese suppliers. I lacked what you had, and that was courage. Good luck Mat.
With all the make-money-online blogs and programs out there, it is good to see someone taking a little time to also highlight the temptations and challenges that you'll face. I'm afraid the 4-Hour Workweek mentality has been sensationalized a bit too far and this is a good reminder that there are pros and cons to whatever you do and however you do it.
Sometimes it's necessary to learn lessons that cost real money. A few five-figure lessons are a serious wake-up call. If you're paying attention, you learn not to do that again.