I would say many white-collar workers are really only able to be productive a lot of the time for 4 hours a day, if they're lucky. I think it's more often far less for people. I don't think the majority of people are lazy, or burnt-out; I think there's just so much extra crap outside of their core tasks that it's very difficult for people to work on something that feels like they are honestly making something, or working towards something substantial.
Meetings, administrative tasks, emails, chat messages, more meeting requests, for most people the default setup has all of this coming at them like a firehose, and then bizarre expectations build and build like sedimentary rock into this seabed of constant immediate response times and work without productivity, a feeling of working with nothing at the end to justify it.
Meetings, administrative tasks, emails, chat messages, more meeting requests, for most people the default setup has all of this coming at them like a firehose, and then bizarre expectations build and build like sedimentary rock into this seabed of constant immediate response times and work without productivity, a feeling of working with nothing at the end to justify it.