I am surprised this is not discussed at all on Hackernews, but in the ongoing "hiQ Labs, Inc. v. LinkedIn" case, Linkedin is arguing that "intentionally and knowingly bypassing an IP block" is an exceed authorized access and qualify as a criminal offence.
That's because in their opinion they are allowed to put the "gate down" for some users on an otherwise publicly accessible website.
If the court follows this argument using a VPN to get access to content that is otherwise blocked in your country through an IP Block for example could become a criminal offence as well.
Hearing link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUkoHeiPGQw
Watching that hearing it seemed clear to me the court understands the dangers of letting tech companies use the threat of CFAA's criminal culpability against www users or competitors. One justice made the point that when the CFAA was passed there was no www. The court questioned how public web servers could be comparable to "private" government computers.