I am a long time HN reader and trust this community. I would love opinions of HN in general.
I might be going through midlife crisis. I am feeling a bit lost and a bit failure. I have a soul-sucking but decent job at one of major tech companies. But I never cared for my day job, as I had been focused on my side projects.
Now I have a wife and 2 kids. We need a bigger house, but we cannot afford it. We could have bought our dream home in 2020 but prices have skyrocketed in my area. This made me start paying attention to my career. I see my friends who focused on their day jobs are now much higher on corporate ladder.
I am at the point where I cannot really work on any side project because of kids. I rather spend my free time with them. A few options I am considering:
A. Keep the day job, and aggressively move into management. Safe and I know internal politics. The cons might be too much politics. People skills don't expire though.
B. Keep the day job, stay an individual contributor. Sharpen my technical skills and become an internal or external thought leader. Again safe. But may not have enough time to really be a thought leader. Harder to be a great IC and make the same amount of money as mediocre leadership.
C. Get a new job at FAANG as IC. I could easily make 2x - 3x my salary there. But I am not great at LeetCode. And I don't want to take time away from my kids to do LeetCode.
D. Get a new job anywhere as an IC. I could probably get 1.2x to 1.6x of my current salary. May not be enough to buy a bigger home. But work-life balance should be better than FAANG and there is no need to waste time on LeetCode.
E. Start part-time freelancing and quit my day job. I have a few past clients that should be able to provide enough work. I can pay bills and use extra free time to work on my side-projects. Riskier but might be good to take a break from my day job. Eventually freelancing could turn into a consulting business.
I am leaning towards option A or option E. What do you think?
You have a wife and kids now, I would heavily advise against E. (From the tone of your post it looks like you know this). This is what I do now, but I'm currently not optimizing for money.
C is doable. One leetcode question a day for five months then one month of hardcore interviewing will get you there without much sacrifice for family life. You can find that extra hour in your day by waking up an hour early. Remember, we're optimizing for money here, not short term happiness, if you feel frustrated every day trying to re-learn how to reverse a linked list, remind yourself that's the _correct_ feeling to have and it means you're moving closer towards your goal. The end result is a better life for your family.
D is basically C, except without doing one leetcode question a day. You still need to do a 1-2 months of hardcore interviewing. 80% of the effort for 1/2 of the results is a bad trade.
However, if you're _not_ optimizing for money, there's option F: move somewhere cheaper and work get a remote gig. I'm currently in Taipei and am friends with a lot of people who've made this decision. Some with families, some without, some single. The main thing we had in common was we valued autonomy over everything else. I have other friends who stayed in Canada/USA because they value extended family over autonomy, and that's OK too!
This sounds cheesy, but if you haven't already write down your 4-7 core values then make decisions based on those. Making decisions that align with my values has reduced my anxiety drastically.