Snopes have made lot of dubious and misleading claims on lab leak. Reality is the whole Acitvist Industrial Complex and many elites, who have financial ties w/ China including HN favorites like Apple and Amazon [3][4], are trying to regain control of the narrative they lost because of internet.
Hi, I've been revisiting an old thread from way back in April of 2020, and you are the only person that replied to me that appears to still be active on HN.
In this specific example, given the context (that a virus would have a simple time going 400 meters from lab to market via some host), isn't the difference between 400m and 26km valid to point out?
In my experience, that's how left wing disinformation works. Using rhetorical tricks to mislead the audience. It's even more ironic when most left wing journalists and pundits are followers of Foucault and Derrida.