To young people who never used SMS and will grow up only on WhatsApp, FB messenger, Viber, Snapchat etc.
Snapchat is basically MMS with rich user experience and advanced features. Is anybody still using MMS when you have something like WhatsApp and Snapchat?
SMS and MMS are still useful as communicating protocols and communication services when you don't have internet access but you can think of SMS as something like XMPP. Why would you use bare bone XMPP when you can use WhatsApp running on XMPP with 99 useful features that XMPP doesn't originally have and support.
Plenty of people don't care about sending images over messages with phones, they use email and facebook for that.
Plus in many pre-paid plans the amount of SMS is almost unlimited, or with packages like 5 000 per month, which hardly anyone ever consumes half of it.