We are launching our Blog Search Engine today in private beta and I would be very happy if some of the hacker
news readers could give us some valuable feedback. You can access our site under http://www.iterend.com/?ref=hn
(the link will work for the first 1000 users and you have to use this link first before the other links below will work!).
So what differentiates us from other blog search engines: (e.g google blog search, technorati, twingly, etc...)
We want you to be able to actively discover the most recent, most discussed and most important articles of the blogosphere.
Iterend gives you an overview of the information you are looking for, where you are then able to drill down into the different categories of interest related to that information.
* We display an overview of what is currently being discussed in the
blogosphere, so that you are able to dive into the different areas
you are interested in.
* All articles are linked to structured wikipedia information, which
makes it possible to search by categories. (eg.
* Search results are clustered and you can search on sentence level,
post level or blog level.
* Next to the search results, relevant phrases and categories are
displayed, so you are able to restrict your search or get an
overview over the information you are looking for. (eg.
* You can search for related posts to a given topic, url or cluster
(eg. http://blogs.iterend.com/en/?query=related%3A"iphone"&date=alltime)
At the moment, about 50 000 mainstream english blogs are indexed. The number of indexed blogs will be increased soon,
while we will still focus on the mainstream (and hopefully spam free) blogs. We will add support to search in additional
languages in the future as well.
We also offer an Api for application developers wishing to use parts of our service in their applications.
I will be very thankful for all of your comments! If someone wants to create an application out of our api (related phrases, categories, or the related search future), that would be great!