Perhaps atypical, but about 50% of my ssh use is port forwarding to construct impoverished man's VPNs. Like I send mail by forwarding localhost:25 to localhost:25 on the mail server.
If I were running PoE (Postgres on Edge) I'd probably want to connect a local client for poking around, but without the bother of meshing my laptop into the cloud.
Most port forwarding you need to connect to Fly apps is baked in. Here's how to get at a remote postgres:
$ flyctl proxy 15432:5432 -s -a fizz-db
? Select instance: [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> gru.fizz-db.internal
ord (fdaa:0:446b:a7b:20db:0:77a5:2)
ord (fdaa:0:446b:a7b:20dc:0:784c:2)
That forwards whichever you select to local port 15432.
If I were running PoE (Postgres on Edge) I'd probably want to connect a local client for poking around, but without the bother of meshing my laptop into the cloud.