If you survive a nuclear attack you will wish you were dead. Any "nuclear attack survivability guide" is probably counterproductive because it reinforces the illusion that there is any such thing as a world the day after a nuclear attack. It's all over.
This is complete nonsense. You can absolutely survive a nuclear war if you are prepared.
Maybe you'd prefer not to bother preparing because you think the probability is too low of it happening, but you cannot make that choice for the rest of us.
Nobody is trying to prevent you anything....but he's right: surviving the blast and the fallout is one thing, surviving the collapse of society another
Can you survive your fellow citizens trying to murder you to take your things?
I’m not concerned with the bombs themselves, but more so the total collapse of civil authority in the event of a total nuclear exchange between say, the US and Russia. There are a lot of small arms in the US.
With current warheads, it (unfortunately) is survivable. It's more or less as if any city on the world looks like germany after WW2 - plus some radiation, but most of it is gone after a few weeks.