Some context: I have negotiated b2b contracts for businesses, as well as contracts for work in the past; but I have never ventured father than pushing back on a non compete, or benefits of some kind.
I am interested in the following areas/I don't have experience in the below:
* Being able to do (unrelated) consulting work via an SCORP while employed at Amazon.
* Being able to work on a game while working at Amazon as if I didn't work at Amazon (licensing).
* Continuing to contribute to FOSS projects
All of the above are obviously off company time and hardware.
I am searching for and reading previous posts on these topics; but would appreciate any links to previous discussions on this, or direct feedback from FAANG employees.
What would you have done differently in the above areas?
At what point in the hiring process should I be pushing for the above?
If these are unrealistic, is there a middle ground I can shoot for?
Once again thanks for sharing your time/experience.
Also where do you work? For example California has employee beneficial policies in this regard. Non-competes are not enforceable, and IP developed off company time belongs to the employee [0].