It's also what will cause the far right to succeed.
The left eats its own rather than being patient or tolerant ("I shouldn't have to teach you!") to people who mean well, while the right allows people to fly way off the handle and still be within their tent because their tent expands to include increasingly extreme ideas.
Exactly – if anything, research suggests that there might be some underlying mechanism affecting both ends of the political spectrum. I found this to be a very interesting read on the subject:
Yep. Read and appreciated that article. And I will say what I have been repeating in these forums for a couple of months now again. It's ironic in this case, because today's hot topic is "the meaning of words".
We keep talking about social media and its problematic effects. Like we don't know how to be social or something anymore.
It's not social media. It's profit/engagement media. The social component is just the hook. The point of it all is basic profit feedback loops (which are far less greedy and evil than we make these utilities out to be--they're just doing what they were instituted to do).
My current brainstorm/crazy idea is that something like "non profit" regulations might be how we coral this nuttiness. It's been semi/mostly effective at corralling religion in America for many years. I'm not sure why we wouldn't benefit from moving the Twitter Day Saints and Instagramists and Tik-Tok-ies and SnapChat Witnesses and Roamin Pathic Twitch into the same "you have your place, you can take care of your own and collect enough funds to operate and some, but if you start looking too much like a business and/or play in politics too much, it's going to get really uncomfortable for you."
Both sides eat their own. It’s a result of social media cancel culture, which both sides engage in. No moderate opinions allowed anywhere. The right constantly rejects people who aren’t extreme enough. “Rino” is a huge term now.
The left eats its own rather than being patient or tolerant ("I shouldn't have to teach you!") to people who mean well, while the right allows people to fly way off the handle and still be within their tent because their tent expands to include increasingly extreme ideas.