Imagine you work in Wakanda and slave was s'mballa and master was m'chatka and one day the science department said ok we're calling it m'butu by default instead.
Does it shape anything for you? You're just doing your 9-5 building T'Challa's HUD for his panther helmet as an immigrant worker who barely speaks the language. If anything it just makes your life more annoying when the Wakandan scientists rattle off instructions to you and you're barely keeping up. They are just words.
Perhaps in Wakandan culture the change is significant and shapes their models of thinking but we are talking about terminology changes for all of planet Earth and beyond. Why not do some soul searching and come to terms with your ugly history on your own instead of dragging everyone into it.
(I am using "you" in the general sense, not directing it at anyone in particular)
But they're not though. Words are products of, and inputs into, people's culture and modes of thought.
Which is exactly why giving this much global power to one unelected politically extreme group of people is so dangerous.