2 Adults, 2 kids, also close to 10 kWh per day (cooking on electricity (induction) but showering on natural gas, 0.6-0.8 m3/day). When we are not home, it's about 4 kWh per day (2 freezers, 1 fridge, home server, router etc). Big sources are Laundry, dishwasher, hot water in the kitchen (5L boiler).
But we heat the house on gas, and last december we burned about 180 m3 of it. Now, during summer, (in the Netherlands) we don't need heating or air-conditioning.
2 adults, 1 kid, belgium. One adult is always WFH (we alternate). Average of 13KWh per day. There is a server rack running in the basement though 24/7 but its optimized (nucs and rpis and no costly energy burning servers) and this rack alone accounts for 3-4 KWh per day (out of the 13)
We heat and cook using natural gas.
The biggest consumer are the same here. Dishwasher and laundry.
But we heat the house on gas, and last december we burned about 180 m3 of it. Now, during summer, (in the Netherlands) we don't need heating or air-conditioning.