Right, so you've made a bunch of money, and can now be a little more picky. I never implied that you were necessarily a millionaire, but it does seem like there's a good chance of it.
I ain't sitting in front of my computer because I love it, I do it because I need money.
I haven't made a bunch of money. I never worked for a company earning FANG style income. Outside of America companies don't pay stupidly high salaries like silicon valley.
If ~12k in savings is close to being a millionaire then I'm rolling in it. But I guess I don't need to live a lavious life style.
I just wouldn't accept 250k at a FANG company where I'm a number and hating my job and not having any say or impact. Working for a smaller company and having a life after work with no stress is better.
Do you have any assets along with that 12k, or does that 12k just go quite a lot farther wherever you are? 12k renting in Canada would last me a few months, spending frugally and splitting rent. Once that's gone, I'd have no assets, no investments, just homelessness looming on the horizon. So it would provide a bit of runway, and I'd choose whichever of a set of offers if I received them, but it's very rarely the case that there's even one option. If you've put money into a mortgage over that time, or an investment account, or your cost of living is extremely low while your prospects are good, then sure it's just a low risk lifestyle choice I'd also favour. If you can't whether a bad storm though, you don't want to be caught outside during it. Every time I'm in that position, I take the first month or two and try to find something I really enjoy. But that never goes well, and I'd sure as shit hedge my bets and take the job at FAANG if it came about, especially if it's the only choice available.
No, just spent disposable income traveling as I spent 10 years living in Singapore. But met wife while traveling and now living in Taiwan trying to save money.
That’s what I gather from the replies so far.