Personally I do not remember ever having the experience you describe, but that’s probably because in my formative years videos mostly didn’t exist yet on the internet, and I learned new tools from reading books, software documentation, forums and blog posts. And once you’ve reached a certain experience level, it becomes much more difficult to get your mind blown by some new tool, because the ideas usually have all been there in some form already, and you also see the limitations and possible drawbacks more quickly.
This. Bret Victor’s Inventing on Principle talk changed my life.
And the funny thing is, he’s not pitching a tool or even his own specific principles; it’s largely a talk about how you can work toward a cause of your own choosing. But Bret’s principle and the tools he built to demonstrate it are so compelling that they’ve lived in my head rent-free for years.
Personally I do not remember ever having the experience you describe, but that’s probably because in my formative years videos mostly didn’t exist yet on the internet, and I learned new tools from reading books, software documentation, forums and blog posts. And once you’ve reached a certain experience level, it becomes much more difficult to get your mind blown by some new tool, because the ideas usually have all been there in some form already, and you also see the limitations and possible drawbacks more quickly.