I think OP is saying that 99.9999% of the other companies aren't FAANG even though they pretend to be. Their use case is displaying JPG images, not creating a new JPG algorithm. You don't need multi-dimensional array manipulation leetcode hard problems to do that. Yet their interview process is geared around that, and the recruiters/management don't know enough to know to make a useful decision. And then everybody complains "Oh, we can't find competent talent. Give us more visa openings!". But the free market eventually is taking care of those companies. You're seeing major layoffs in the crypto industry because they overhired on leetcoders and apparently not enough people who could help them turn a profit.
To be fair most of the people employed at FAANGs are just moving things between protocol buffers and hash maps and back again.
They just make the interview hard because they pay a high salary and get too many applicants.
People complaining about interviews should be more explicit about the companies they interviewed for. It might not be a FAANG company, but what if it's a database company? Or an MLOps company? Or even a gaming company. They need SWE with good algorithm and data structure skills too.