I hope some American (preferably in the relevant geographical area for those politicians) is writing short polite letters explaining what those politicians have done, and explaining the consequences under SOPA.
I know that I'm hopelessly naïve for thinking that constituents writing letters to politicians achieves anything. Maybe some satirist should do a sketch on tv?
congressman: Good day, sheeple. With prompting by the content industry, we are considering beheading everyone, because it has been shown that everyone sometimes plays back a tune in their head without paying royalties. We've tried to get you to admit and pay every time you do that, but that didn't work, and we have to do something -- it seems only beheading would solve the problem.
(people frantically writing letters)
congressman: Seems, from everyone's responses, we've gone too far. We've asked our content industry overlords, and they will apparently be ok if we only cut everyone's ears to start with, so that no infringing content can get into people's heads. But if that doesn't work well for music, we're not just going to take your eyes out to avoid infringing on videos -- we'll have to do the full beheading thing then.
(people sighing with relief) Well, that's a reasonable measure.
At least, that's my impression of the effectiveness of writing these letters. Congress just keeps introducing horrible bills, and the people have to win every time (which they hardly ever do), because every one of these bills includes the cumulative effect of the previously failed-to-pass bills.
I know that I'm hopelessly naïve for thinking that constituents writing letters to politicians achieves anything. Maybe some satirist should do a sketch on tv?