? i never said that its a one-size-fit-all solution. certainly you would not write a software package in a notebook. but you might write a tutorial, textbook, academic paper, homework, personal notes, etc.
My point was that a comment against notebooks being overused - where a different structure would make more sense - is not a necessarily a comment against literate programming.
The issues with notebooks - in general - are unrelated to literate programming. The notebook format is convenient to have some kind of “interactive” programming though, rather than “literate”.
Have you considered that the notebook is an evolution of a repl, with improved visualization and feedback, for for analysis-heavy work? The problem starts when notebooks are used for development and production.
Did you mind checking the availability of people with lisp skills vs most other languages used in research and DS? Or the availability of libraries and pace of evolution? If your solution is to teach lisp massively and have everyone just build their tooling, can you explain why it hasn't happened yet, despite lisp being around much longer than most languages in use in this field - and many attempts at what you're suggesting?
I have a sense that there are a quite lot more people with Lisp skills than there are jobs. It should be easy to find Lisp people. And I mean reasonably young people; not like pulling Cobol people out of retirement. Lisps continue to attract new people.
i only said lisp repl is superior. far more superior actually. whether its popular is a different matter. there are people perfectly content with subpar technology and thats ok. however it doesnt hurt to know that there are alternatives
Of course you don’t! The notebooks are glorified repls and you can also have literate programming without interactive notebooks. What notebooks get you compared to alternatives is both things at the same time.
my point is similar but restricted to jupyter. i think that that org-mode can offer a much more advanced and complete literate programing environment than jupyter that's far beyond just markdown + repl
Note how babel is presented, by the way (last point in particular):
Babel augments Org code blocks by providing:
interactive and programmatic execution of code blocks;
code blocks as functions that accept parameters, refer to other code blocks, and can be called remotely; and
export to files for literate programming.