> Do you believe investigative journalism has a place in our society?
Yes and KiwiFarms is not investigative journalism - they're harrassing and doxxing private individuals with clearly personal malicious intent. The key part of investigative journalism is the "investigative", which there is no evidence of on KiwiFarm's part. No attempts to hold power to account, to expose serious breaches of power - just a horrid, all-consuming hatred and failure to respect other people's right to exist.
Do you think CNN should be driven off the internet? Back in 2017 they threatened and harassed an anonymous reddit user into apologizing for making a harmless gif [1]. How is CNN better than kiwifarms?
And that would make sense when it comes to people like you or others with aliases, but an alias like "wyre" or "pc" aren't exactly hiding themselves, just using a nickname, similarly to how in high school my peers called me Seneca (because my first day I wore my old school's t-shirt). I wasn't hiding who I am by going by that, just not using my real name.
But "throwawayacc2" doesn't get that same meaning.
Imagine thinking this drivel somehow applied to this thread.
You shouldn't make new accounts for this sort of thing you know - cowards who hide from perfectly legal doxxing and "investigative journalism" in defense of such "harmless" actions come across as sus. Why should you be ashamed of your opinion - you are entitled to free speech right?