What KF user got someone SWATted? Please name and shame them if you have evidence.
KF makes a very convenient scapegoat and there's no reason for someone opposed to them to false flag as them when calling in a SWAT, or for someone to SWAT themselves or just fake a SWATting entirely and blame it on someone at KF or just KF in general. I'm not saying for sure that has happened in Keffals' case, but it can't be proven that something like that didn't happen yet either.
KF makes a very convenient scapegoat and there's no reason for someone opposed to them to false flag as them when calling in a SWAT, or for someone to SWAT themselves or just fake a SWATting entirely and blame it on someone at KF or just KF in general. I'm not saying for sure that has happened in Keffals' case, but it can't be proven that something like that didn't happen yet either.