I see the dots. You definitely need that 15" telescope -- tell her I said so. ;-)
Reminds me a bit of being in the Palm Beach area and seeing a shuttle launch. That's some distance away, but it was still very visible. IIRC, we had binoculars, which made the details much more evident.
Then, a few days later, I looked out the kitchen window to see some rather distinct exhaust plumes. No official announcement. Turns out it was a secret launch/payload, later confirmed in that non-confirming way the government sometimes has.
Then went outside and saw it come over South Africa. Got a picture of it as well.
To see the little white dots we saw check... http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/600/igotapicofit.jpg http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/14/picofitand2nd.jpg/
Now I can justify to the wife that I NEED a 15" telescope
Sorry, it is more like, see if you can spot the white dots with these pictures. 52mm lens is not that great.
The dots are about 5mm to the left of the arrows