my impression of Alex Jones is the man is at the center of his own little right-wing/conspiracy/propaganda empire. i'd take anything that comes from his direction with skepticism, if not avoided altogether.
Thanks for the tip. He does have some good guests, which makes for interesting viewing. His main problem is that he cuts people off midway before they make their key points or conclusion. And there is no common organized enemy, "the globalists" -- he may as well talk about "the CEOs" or "the Politicians" and these groups do organize around greed, especially "the Bankers."
So yes, when he cuts people off, he replaces the ending with his own agenda. But that's not to say he should be totally ignored, I think.
my impression of Alex Jones is the man is at the center of his own little right-wing/conspiracy/propaganda empire. i'd take anything that comes from his direction with skepticism, if not avoided altogether.