Apple isn't doing any "malicious" things if you're talking about "lock down", app store and so on (the lawsuits are a separate issue).
And Google has done it's share of things; claiming to be for net neutrality but not really being when they saw a way to profit, claiming to pull out of China on "moral grounds" but not actually doing so until they got hacked, the lock-in-raise-price strategy of their for-pay platform, etc. The motto is meaningless, it's only there to sucker people and it's pretty embarrassing that it works.
And Google has done it's share of things; claiming to be for net neutrality but not really being when they saw a way to profit, claiming to pull out of China on "moral grounds" but not actually doing so until they got hacked, the lock-in-raise-price strategy of their for-pay platform, etc. The motto is meaningless, it's only there to sucker people and it's pretty embarrassing that it works.