compose a poem — a poem about the interpretation of programming expressions by a computer scientist! But lofty, noble, tragic, timeless, full of love, treachery, retribution, quiet heroism in the face of certain doom at the lack of ability to tell if a program halts! Six lines, with clever rhymes and enjambment!
The computer scientist's toil,
It's not a task of oil and soil,
But one of programming expressions,
By which one can make deductions,
For it's math and logic that must be mined,
To know if a program halts or grinds.
from this second interaction, I can already see a use for it as a poet -- suggesting metaphors and turns of phrase that can be seeds for others --- halts or grinds against logic mined is pretty nice here. I'll likely use that.
The computer scientist's toil,
It's not a task of oil and soil,
But one of programming expressions,
By which one can make deductions,
For it's math and logic that must be mined,
To know if a program halts or grinds.
from this second interaction, I can already see a use for it as a poet -- suggesting metaphors and turns of phrase that can be seeds for others --- halts or grinds against logic mined is pretty nice here. I'll likely use that.