Good! Intellectual dishonesty and self-deception of all kinds is wrong and weak, and it should be stopped.
Fake meat is just as dumb as those CVT transmissions that have fake shift points, or setting your watch 10 minutes ahead so you will never be late.
If you think eating meat is wrong, then stop doing it. It's a defensible moral position. But don't try to trick yourself into thinking you are still doing it -- instead, have the mental strength and willpower to admit to yourself that you are eating vegetables. Maybe even learn how to cook them in a way that does not impersonate meat.
They are not targeted for vegans, the huge majority of customer are curious people that wants to transition into vegetarian/vegan diet and need the help of plant based meats.
Fake meat is just as dumb as those CVT transmissions that have fake shift points, or setting your watch 10 minutes ahead so you will never be late.
If you think eating meat is wrong, then stop doing it. It's a defensible moral position. But don't try to trick yourself into thinking you are still doing it -- instead, have the mental strength and willpower to admit to yourself that you are eating vegetables. Maybe even learn how to cook them in a way that does not impersonate meat.