Americans and Europeans have the desire to learn this lesson the hard way. They lack the wisdom to learn from others and instead believe their governments are the noble governments that would never violate their rights for power.
Traditionally Americans are quite suspicious of their government. The battles over 1st Amendment free speech and 2nd Amendment gun rights, among many, are a testament that the sentiment is still widely held.
Notably Democrats and their zeal to oppress those who believe in their freedom of speech. (See Twitter saga and US government's lack of control over media of commoners, aka digital public square)
Only China does it better ... the oppression, of speech, that is, as evidence by a video of CCP police roaming subway trains, reading every subway commuters' cellphone for social media content. As if CPP's ability to monitor centralized servers isn't cutting it anymore.
Traditional Americans are few and far between these days. Decades of "liberal" education pushing a rose colored view of strong central governments have changed the American Culture this is why you see younger voters increasingly looking to government not community to solve their problems.
Each party picks something it seems. Republicans can’t seem to be bothered with the 4th amendment and Democrats seem to support it. At least at local levels. At the federal level nobody seems to care.
Both parties largely see the constitution as something they need to get around, and have largely (with full support of the courts) inverted the meaning of the constitution to be not a limit on government power, but a limit on individual rights
In your example where Democrats support the 4th amendment, what except if a random person says you are armed then the 4th goes out the window, except if you are deemed to be rich then the 4th goes out the window, except if you have the "Wrong" opinions then the 4th goes out the windows
Democrats like Republicans only support the 4th, and every other amendment to the point where it supports their narrative and desire for power, the second the constitution is deemed to stand in the way of their power well it is document that should be ignored "for the greater good"
I know denial of biology is the rage these days, but Humans are born with very limited brain capacity and develop it over time as they age, maxing out about 25 years of age or so.
One of the reasons why Democrats want 16-year-olds to vote, because only people with limited brain development would support most of their policies ;)
Europeans especially. In my experience, they are extremely ignorant in this regard to the point of child-like naivety, but let them learn the hard way. It's truly the best way to learn after all.
Americans and Europeans have the desire to learn this lesson the hard way. They lack the wisdom to learn from others and instead believe their governments are the noble governments that would never violate their rights for power.