I love that eglot is being incorporated into emacs, though I myself use lsp-mode. Does anybody know how advanced eglot is? As far as I hear, it doesn't support multiple language servers which seems like a showstopper for web dev these days, e.g. I usually have ts lang server + tailwind lang server running at the same time when doing web dev.
As far as out-of-the-box support, I think it works great. Much easier to configure than lsp-mode.
However, for my uses with a Ruby/React+TSX setup the performance was lacking on a large codebase. I swapped back to lsp-mode and the experience felt smoother.
IIRC the author's stance on previous discussions around multiple language servers was to rely on flymake instead, since the previous discussion centered around ESLint + TypeScript. Tailwind is a bit of an issue in the ecosystem right now, but you may want to try https://github.com/merrickluo/lsp-tailwindcss.