Yes, but ... Commodore did this because they had incompetent management. They shipped products (VIC-20, 1540) with hardware defect in one of the chips (6522), chip they manufactured themselves. The kicker is
- C64 shipped with 6526, a fixed version of 6522
- C64 is incompatible with 1540 anyway
They crippled C64 for no reason other than to sell more Commodore manufactured chips inside a pointless box. C128 was similar trick of stuffing C64 with garbage leftover from failed projects and selling computer with 2 CPUs and 2 graphic chips at twice the price. Before slow serial devices they were perfectly capable of making fast and cheaper to manufacture floppies for PET/CBM systems.
- C64 shipped with 6526, a fixed version of 6522
- C64 is incompatible with 1540 anyway
They crippled C64 for no reason other than to sell more Commodore manufactured chips inside a pointless box. C128 was similar trick of stuffing C64 with garbage leftover from failed projects and selling computer with 2 CPUs and 2 graphic chips at twice the price. Before slow serial devices they were perfectly capable of making fast and cheaper to manufacture floppies for PET/CBM systems.