For me, circuit simulator / schematic capture tool (you can not have former without latter effectively, nobody creates netlists in text editor now) which look modern will use modern conventions about mouse and keyboard, which is well-known to anybody who tried at least one graphical editor.
You now, left (primary) click for select, click-hold-and-move to move, right (secondary) click for context menu, this kind of stuff.
Many PCB/Schematics/Simulation packages uses their own old conventions, which are alien to modern users, like "you must have to choose move tool, click on symbol, move, click to drop in new place" and so on.
3D, skeuomorphism, etc., looks nice in tutorials with 3-10 parts but are unusable after that.
You now, left (primary) click for select, click-hold-and-move to move, right (secondary) click for context menu, this kind of stuff.
Many PCB/Schematics/Simulation packages uses their own old conventions, which are alien to modern users, like "you must have to choose move tool, click on symbol, move, click to drop in new place" and so on.
3D, skeuomorphism, etc., looks nice in tutorials with 3-10 parts but are unusable after that.