You’re definitely not coming in to this having much familiarity with the ecosystem of either other tool. Distributions like LunarVim, Spacemacs, and Doomemacs exist that fill that gap between the basic terminal editors and a ready-for-anything experience. Think, open a source file and get the language server auto detected and suggested for installation, right in vim.
Not to mention IntelliJ which I can’t help but keep coming back to after repeatedly getting frustrated enough trying to adopt VSCode. The git tooling in VSCode’s marketplace is a far cry from what’s available for some of these other tools. Fortunately for me, Fleet (new editor aimed at VSCode segment) is maturing at a rapid enough pace that I’ll likely be able to migrate to it in months/weeks and hopefully have a more zen experience.
Not to mention IntelliJ which I can’t help but keep coming back to after repeatedly getting frustrated enough trying to adopt VSCode. The git tooling in VSCode’s marketplace is a far cry from what’s available for some of these other tools. Fortunately for me, Fleet (new editor aimed at VSCode segment) is maturing at a rapid enough pace that I’ll likely be able to migrate to it in months/weeks and hopefully have a more zen experience.