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Posters of the IPv4 and IPv6 internet as of Jan 1, 2023 (vad.solutions)
207 points by vmbrasseur on Jan 1, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 102 comments

IPv6 is handed out using sparse allocation inside /12 from IANA ensuring two goals: minimal recall on IANA and maximum utilisation inside each /12 preserving second call headroom for the original delegates announcing the space in BGP. They can take a /32 to a 31 or 30 or 26 or whatever and not have to announce disaggregated blocks in BGP. (They can disaggregate, but it's not forced by being given discontinuous blocks) The sparse model is like binary chop: it tends to equalise the size of the "hole" across all delegations. It's a reservation system without having to make reservations: within limits everyone who hasn't yet requested subsequent space can request it, and everyone within reason has the same growth potential to market against other delegates of the same size at that point in time.

APNIC runs modified sparse: the /12 is divided up into pools and bigger and smaller parts are used to make two sets of binary chop headroom reflecting the scale.

The outcome should be visible in the chart: a grey peppering of blocks spread throughout the /12s and for APNIC evidence of at least two densities of scatter.

Broadly speaking, it's worked. The RIR collectively haven't gone back to IANA very often, a lot of IPv6 space remains. Scarcity isn't driving the dynamics of BGP announcement and disaggregation. Compare that to IPv4, costs of entry to market for new players, avg number of prefixes and relative disaggregation of holdings.

(Disclaimer: work in an RIR)

As an example of how big ipv6 is, we got a /29 from ripe at a not very big at all ISP, which even if we had handed out a /48 to each and every DIA customer physical location/cpe, would have lasted us at our projected growth rate for the next several hundred years.

And that was in addition to the ARIN /32 we already had.

I've got my own homelab /44 prefix for only 15€/yr. /48 would have been fine too, but /44 was the smallest they had.

From some LIRs you can get an ASN + a /40 for life for $50. And even less if they decide to do a sale.

And the /40 would be an actual "ASSIGNED-BY-LIR" sub-allocation that you could also sub-allocate as you see fit.

The ghostly amount of v6 space is so exciting to see. One day we’ll need to physically route a whole block to another planet — there’s no point using BGP when the ping from Earth to Mercury is 230,000ms at best.

I love IPv6 and it’s so exciting to see it used widely at last. My mobile device is v6 although it’s still dual stack. Home networks are doomed to by v4 forever so your 1990s eToaster can display Yahoo! News! but I wonder how many ISPs are doing 4to6 or CGNAT nowadays? That’s what my cell provider does.

I only know a little bit about BGP. Why does Tesla announce 6x /48s instead of having a /32 of their own and handling their routing internally? https://bgp.he.net/AS394161#_prefixes6

> Home networks are doomed to by v4 forever

Why? I've had dual-stack at home for many years, and I can hit sites via IPv6-only: way back when, I blocked Facebook connectivity for privacy reasons, but at some point I noticed I started getting those little FB icons again that came directly from their servers. Turns out that I was hitting them via IPv6 and had to update my (DNS filtering) rules to block AAAA records as well.

Even my not-very-new Brother HL-L2360 (running firmware from (AFAICT) 2015) supports IPv6, and has both a fe80 link-local address, and a 'proper' address that it got via a prefix advertisement from my Asus router.

Most IoT devices run Linux under the hood and get IPv6 support 'for free'.

My ISP to this day still doesn't have dual-stack. It makes a 6rd tunnel available to their users as a "beta" (for years). I find it mystifying to be honest. I know for a fact they have a nice modern facility and an expert head sysadmin. They even have a local fiber optic network. It makes no sense to me that they're clinging so tightly to IPv4.

What is the benefit to the ISP in supporting IPv6 to justify the extra cost of the support?

They don't need to buy as expensive cgnat hardware if a greater proportion of traffic is ipv6. That's the rationale given by an up-and-coming ISP in Australia.

Which ISP? (am curious as an Australian)

Aussie Broadband

Still need CGNAT for Dual Stack - Lite. Or, a NAT for 464Xlat.

Video is by far the largest bandwidth hog that most people use, and both Google/Youtube and Netflix support IPv6 for streaming last time I checked. The more traffic that supports IPv6, both from the client- and server-end of things, the less horsepower that the CG-NAT boxes need for network processing (and for things like logging of connection mappings for mandated law enforcement purposes).

There is certainly an upfront cost of getting IPv6 going for a 'legacy' ISP, but once the infrastructure is there it can reduce the ongoing costs of CG-NAT (because IPv6 will just be part of the fixed costs that you need/have anyway to be an ISP).

Some devices coming out now from Google, etc. are IPv6-only and do not support 6rd tunnels at all.

Possible further benefit, reaching India and China who certainly aren't issuing IPv4.

Hopefully the day comes when people can get static IPv6 addresses instead of a dynamic one behind an ISP NAT.

> Possible further benefit, reaching India and China who certainly aren't issuing IPv4.

This is important for servers, but not so much for consumers, IMHO. Sites in India and China are highly likely to be dual stacked, so v4 only users aren't likely to be missing any content at least currently. Although certainly missing access to v6 preferred peers. There's very few really v6only use cases out there yet, almost every consumer access network has some way to get to v4, there's too much v4 only content not to; even if the v4 access is much worse than v6, as it sometimes is.

>Some devices coming out now from Google, etc. are IPv6-only and do not support 6rd tunnels at all.

I find this very, very hard to believe. I haven't found anything online. Can you give me some pointers?

>Possible further benefit, reaching India and China who certainly aren't issuing IPv4.

All Indian and Chinese websites have ipv4 addresses in case I wanted to reach them.

I think people should come to terms to the fact that everybody is moving to cgnat and the world is not falling apart as they said it would.

Most mesh devices (not wifi), i.e. thread/openthread devices that use 6LowPAN are IPv6 only. They're often based on microcontrollers with limited resources, so dont even support TCP, only UDP. Many smart meters also use this same set of technologies (IPv6/6LowPAN/UDP/CoAP/etc) which is my own area of expertise, but the Google (and Amazon) devices also use these.

> people should come to terms to the fact that everybody is moving to cgnat and the world is not falling apart as they said it would.

As someone who's behind CG-NAT, I agree that the world is not falling apart. It is, however, very inconvenient.

The IPv4 Internet has more fluctuation in latency - I imagine it gets worse in periods when many more connections are having to go through the ISP's CG-NAT router, and/or when a lot more volume of data is going through that same bottleneck. It's not the end of the world, but it's not ideal.

On top of that, my IPv4 traffic is bundled together with a cohort of cusotmers whose Internet behaviours I know nothing and have no control about. This affects my reputation on things like CAPTCHAs and other forms of access control. It's not the end of the world, but it's not ideal.

I can't get into my own network from an IPv4-only external network without resorting to routing contortionism. It's not the end of the world, but it's not ideal.

CG-NAT requires expensive and power-hungry equipment, which in turn means more maintenance, more complex infrastructures, more equipment failure and replacement and increased energy usage.

It's not the end of the world.

But it may well be contributing to it.

> >Some devices coming out now from Google, etc. are IPv6-only and do not support 6rd tunnels at all.

> I find this very, very hard to believe. I haven't found anything online. Can you give me some pointers?

Google Wifi, Mercku M2, etc. have been reported as not having support for 6rd or 6to4.

> get static IPv6 addresses instead of a dynamic one behind an ISP NAT.

Some UK ISPs give out /48s (cough Sky) but with dynamic allocation. So you reboot your router and every single IPv6 device on your network needs to re-address. Makes routing/port forwarding a PITA and nearly impossible using IPv6.

Even if it was static changing the ISP will result in a new public range, meaning an internal re number, unless you use NAT, in which case you may as well use ipv4 and nat.

If you have two ISPs (say a backup 5G) then you have to renumber every time the main goes down. If you want to load balance you’re screwed, unless of course you use nat.

Residential ISPs won’t allow you to bgp peer your own /48

> Even if it was static changing the ISP will result in a new public range, meaning an internal re number, unless you use NAT, in which case you may as well use ipv4 and nat.

Kind of: if you use IPv6's ULA (fc00/7 [1]), then you can have a NAT-like translation layer using NPTv6 [2]. The advantage of NTPv6 over NAT44 is that you get an entire prefix to play with instead of a single IP on your router's WAN interface.

If you wish to have multiple services (web, SSH, Minecraft), then with IPv4 hole punching you can only have one server on the default port and the second system with the same service needs to be on a different port. With IPv6/NPTv6 you can have each service on a different IPv6 address and live on its default port.

You also have the flexibility of either only allowing one particular port in for that service/IPv6 address, or just allowing all traffic in without any firewalling/filtering.

So NPTv6 is no worse than NAT44 in the simple cases, but also has extra functionality over it.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unique_local_address

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6-to-IPv6_Network_Prefix_Tr...

> Even if it was static changing the ISP will result in a new public range

I bet most people change ISPs with a frequency that's a fraction of the frequency they reboot their routers.

In any case, only a few devices in most households require static public IPs (only the ones you connect to from the outside directly). If you put those in DNS, all you need to do is change their AAAA records.

For internal comms, IPv6s in the link- or site-local ranges are better anyway.

I guess that's a good point, even if my ISP did have IP V6, I'd need to get a static from that too. Bet they'd want me to pay extra for that one on top of the V4 cost.

Huh? I'm only able to get a single /64 with Sky. If I enable PD then I get nothing. Perhaps this is the fault of the Unifi Dream Machine's poor IPv6 support... maybe I should take another look?

I thought the same with my ISP, but it turned out it was pfSense who didn't do the right thing or something. Switched to OpenWRT and I got a /56 right away.

It will take something absurdly massive like the iPhone to drop IPv4 to turn the tide. Look at how Apple's aggressive use of the iPhone has changed things. Right now it's their push for eSIM.

You don't need NAT, especially CGNAT.

I too am waiting for Sonic Fiber to finally get native IPv6. Luckily, they finally started rolling it out in some cities.

It just works and IPv6 solves no problems while bringing many more. If address space was a problem, we d have switched when mobile phone started doubling the number of devices: but they can all have the same IP per tower and use NAT ...

Mobile providers are among the largest users of IPv6 for exactly that reason. You might even already use IPv6 on mobile without realizing it..

> Why does Tesla announce 6x /48s instead of having a /32 of their own and handling their routing internally?

Probably the same reason they annouce /24s and not aggregated prefixes on v4 when they're contiguous. We can't tell from the he bgp tools, and I'm not going to look at other tools, but I'm guessing those /48s are distinct sites and are advertised differently (or maybe one is used as anycast, the others being distinct sites). Theoretically disconnected sites could each have their own AS, but it's very common for an organization to use a single AS globally, and only advertise locally served addresses at each site/BGP session.

> ping from Earth to Mercury is 230,000ms at best.

Not really your point I know, but I was curious about this so I looked it up. The closest Earth and Mercury get is 77.3 million km[1], which is 515.7 seconds round-trip (ping) at the speed of light.

[1] https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/factsheet/mercuryfact....

Happily running dual stack, with a routed /48 (further subdivided between work, IoT, management and trusted VLAN's). It's crazy though that the 2nd biggest ISP in the country, Virgin (DOCSIS cable) STILL haven't rolled out IPv6; say what you will about BT/OpenReach, but they got IPv6 to market in the UK pretty damn fast.

IPv6 only is still unusuable :( I bought new Sony TV and allocated it a new VLAN with IPv6 only network just to see how it works TV couldn't even detect that it connected to the internet, despite it receiving ipv6 address from my router. It looks like it couldn't use IPv6 DNS servers. If I try to configure IP address statically it wont let me enter IPv6 address at all.

We have a Sony Bravia from two years ago. Android TV, I forget the model number. It seems to be an Android problem is an ipv6 DNS server is unreachable, or phones and tablets, all Android, continuously attempt to disconnect and reconnect to the network. That said once I got my DNS servers listening on V6 they all seem to work.

Can anyone write a little bit on ("Future use"), ("Prudential securities", same as Wachovia?) and, what they are about and why they're seemingly entirely unused?

240/4 ("class E") addresses were intended a buffer for future allocation, but they can't use it for global unicast because a lot of equipment considers any IP above to be invalid. There have been RFCs to make it formally global-unicast and local-unicast but none have succeeded because of the above-mentionned poorly programmed equipment.

That said, if you know your equipment can handle it like some network operators know theirs can, there is nothing stopping you from using it as a /4 local address space.

"That said, if you know your equipment can handle it like some network operators know theirs can, there is nothing stopping you from using it as a /4 local address space."

Though that would just exarcerbate the problem by producing yet more resistance against allowing that gigantic network to become useful public space.

There have been multiple attempts at making 240/4 globally useful. It pretty much just works on most gear today (except windows), but the resistance by the IPv6 crowd to opening up 1/16th of the ipv4 internet for general use, astounding. There have been multiple internet drafts that did not make it through the relevant committees. Example: https://www.ietf.org/id/draft-schoen-intarea-unicast-240-03....

This makes it sound as if the ipv6 crowd would be larger than "the windows crowd". Perhaps start with convincing every windows user first, then "the ipv6 crowd" should be easily convinced.

240 is multicast etc? 25 is UK defence, also used by some companies internally. I'm also curious about 48.

"240 is multicast etc?"

That would be, no?

Oops, you're right

Why does Ford still have an entire /8 (and even worse, completely unused)?

Short answer: because they got there first.

Longer answer: it doesn’t really matter in the scheme of things. I saw where someone did the math of recovering all the corporate /8s (assuming that there was a justifiable reason for repossessing address space that they requested and were allocated fair and square). It would extend the IPv4 timeline by like a month and a half.

IPv4 is used up, and it’d be exceptionally difficult and expensive to claw back subnets.

It'll probably get bought by Amazon after like five minutes. ;-)

So you're saying there are good reasons not to do it.

Saying IPv4 is used up is like saying America was used up after the homesteading period of free land ended. I predict Ford will end up like how Yahoo used to be an Alibaba holding company.

Why did they stop allocating spare land for free?

Ford was in early enough that RFC 1918 wasn't a thing, and those address were used internally, using something else would have be rouge. If I recall Ford also had 20/0.0.0 at one point in time as a dev/staging network. Source: working at ford in 96 and they had been on IP networking long before I arrived.

Same with General Electric and the 3.x. It was sold it to AWS a few years back, introducing the burden of internal re-addressing.

Before cloud providers/FANG behemoths, these were some of the largest networks around.

Why does McDonald’s own so much prime real estate? Kind of a misguided question imo.

Because they're a real estate company, disguised as a fast food chain. Ford on the other hand isn't an internet company, but their IPv4 range represent and actual value on their balance sheets.

Realistically, Ford may also have use their IP range in a kinda of haphazardly way, simply because they never had a shortage or had to deal with multiple public range. So cleaning up their network, to be able to free any number of IPs would be a lot of work, at a high cost, with no real benefit for the company. Sure they could sell the surplus IPs, but they aren't that strapped for cash.

Wrong answer.

Really surprised no one has yet posted the software that’s almost certainly used to create these images, the Measurement Factory’s ipv4-heatmap package, on GitHub here: https://github.com/measurement-factory/ipv4-heatmap

And, yes, it was absolutely inspired by Randall Munroe’s xkcd Map of the Internet, which someone has already linked.

There’s a fork that uses ColorBrewer palettes, which may be what they actually used: https://github.com/hrbrmstr/ipv4-heatmap

(I used to work at Akamai and used this to produce monthly versions with each /24 colored based upon how many addresses within it had connected to the company’s network.)

Because it was already mentioned in TFA.

In considering the rollout of IPv6, end users often get marginalized. This is frustrating to me. When we try to highlight ISPs who refuse to deploy IPv6, mobile services get highlighted - as if homes and businesses could just use them instead of wireline. If that doesn't end the discussion then IPv6 acolytes will go on about transit traffic or anything else until IPv4-only users go away and stop ruining their optimism.

Personally, I'm very positive about IPv6. I find a lot to like in the protocol. From an end user standpoint tho, it's very much a club. If your ISP is in you're golden. If not, you don't exist to other members.

It even happens to ISPs themselves to get marginalized in this way. I work in a small local ISP, and we're fully IPv6-ready, but the publicly funded optical networks we use to reach our clients are not IPv6 ready. It should just be a simple VLAN, transported how they please, that connects us to our client, but no, the infrastructure operator built a mess just to connect us to our clients, I suppose just transporting a VLAN was too simple for them (we do get a VLAN, but they do some weird DHCP interception on it, and dynamically route IPs in their iBGP based on that, and didn't set it up for DHCPv6, so no IPv6 for our clients).

This is one of the biggest FTTH networks in France, where IPv6 is deployed a lot.

Of course, the bigger operators can collect their traffic straight at the OLT, so they don't have to go through this mess, and get better quality of service (the DHCP interceptors fail often) as well as native IPv6.

We small operators need to set up tunnels to provide IPv6 to our clients. Even for additional IPv4s or just anything bigger than /32 we need a custom tunnel. And these tunnels are a mess to manage when the customers have their own CPE. It's so sad, and that's all done with public money.

And yes, of course, this infrastructure operator, Covage/XPFibre is owned by Altice, who also owns SFR, one of the big four operators. How surprising.

> the publicly funded optical networks we use to reach our clients are not IPv6 ready.

> We small operators need to set up tunnels to provide IPv6 to our clients. ... And yes, of course, this infrastructure operator, Covage/XPFibre is owned by Altice, who also owns SFR,

I might be misunderstanding who the private and public actors are. To clarify, is Altice is over the tunnel infrastructure?

Rollout isn’t a problem for anyone it’s when services start to become unaccessible to IPv4 but accessible on IPv6 end users can get marginalized. We’re still many years from that though which greatly amplifies how much an issue it’ll actually still be when that time comes.

Rollout is still pretty slow: https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html#tab=ipv6...

But services supporting it is the other side of the problem. Both need to be addressed.

Wow. Sweden is disappointing.

I find it interesting how in some countries IPv6 on mobile is more common than wired. Here in New Zealand not one of our mobile carriers offer IPv6. All have no plans to do so stating that there is no demand for it. This also extends to wireless broadband. This is in contrast to fibre/DSL type connections where customers have a choice of several ISPs offering IPv6. Fascinating to see the different market dynamics in different countries.

But there is like gazillion tunneling etc options for people whose isp doesn't provide IPv6; I don't think it's fair to accuse the IPv6 community for ignoring people with ISPs that do not provide IPv6 connectivity when there is so much work put into making viable adaptation paths for them. What more could the community do?

> But there is like gazillion tunneling etc options for people whose isp doesn't provide IPv6

Last I looked, a lot of these either require a public IP address (do not work behind CGNAT), are defunct (not accepting new registrations, or even have a parked domain), or no longer work as well as they used to (both 6to4 and Teredo depend on public anycast relays, and their connectivity seem to have gotten worse; and Teredo also requires that the native IPv6 hosts do not filter ICMPv6 Echo Requests and Echo Replies, which unfortunately are too commonly filtered by overzealous sysadmins).

> Personally, I'm very positive about IPv6. I find a lot to like in the protocol

Please expand on this (besides ‘wow such large numbers’…). I’ll take my answer off the air.

The best thing is autoconfiguration, of course.

It not evident if you are an admin of localhost, but working with hundreds devices make you really appreciate it.

This is the whole config what allows the device to talk to IPv6 and provide IPv6 addresses to the clients in the vlan3003. No DHCP, no ip helpers, nothing.

    interface Vlan2999
     ipv6 address 2000:1111:1:1::2/126
    interface Vlan3003
     ipv6 address 2000:1111:1:4::1/64
    ip forward-protocol nd
    ipv6 route ::/0 2000:1111:1:1::1
> in case anyone is wondering why IPv6 is where it’s at after a decade

But.. I'm tired to juggle this nonsense. We have /21, a couple of /24 and a bunch of /28. I recently decided to move out our services from /21 and /24 to some specific /28 and despite what all those /28 are pretty close (most of them sits in one /23) I can't have a few laconic network rules with aggregates for separating our own and customers traffic. I would need to have a whole let of rules, almost for each /28.

VMs able to assign themselves an address via SLAAC without involving DHCP is lovely

I enjoy how RA handles address assignment. I like how the address space feels huge and uncrowded (almost private), like how internet v1 once did. I like it when the lightbulbs go off the first time I get a service working.

I like feeling like a member of the club.

> I like how the address space feels huge and uncrowded…

^^ in case anyone is wondering why IPv6 is where it’s at after a decade…


I don't see anything wrong with this being a pro.

At a previous company I worked at, this was literally the impetus for going IPv6. We were in a regional business and were growing by acquiring companies in other regions. Every new company we acquired, we had the major pain of making the networks talk. Almost everyone is using or IP conflicts were a given, and re-address networks was a big painful operation. NATs were an option, but came with their own permanent complications. IPv6 made it go away. If the new site already had IPv6, collisions were still a non-issue, and if they didn't, well getting them IPv6 ready was easier than re-address everything. Once they were IPv6 ready we could go ahead and establish VPNs, and with most traffic now going over IPv6 we could re-address IPv4 without causing significant outages.

IPv6 has other advantages, better multicast, better routing, flow labeling, automatic link-local addressing, but the large IP space is definitely the elephant in the room.

240/4 was reserved for future use more than 30 years ago. When is 'the future' if not now. Furthermore, reservations for 0/8, 127/8, and 224/4 seem mostly useless at this point.

Also Ford, Daimler, and Prudential owning huge network blocks and neither even doing business in networking, nor announcing prefixes can be referred to as outright IP squatting (if that term exists). The US DOD seems to be a squatter, too.

Based on professional experience, I doubt that networking equipment can not handle reserved blocks. And if it does not indeed, patches could be provided by vendors for sure within reasonable time.

The problem is not severe enough: neither for a switch to IPv6 (also conceived almost 30 years ago!) nor to make use of unused blocks.

I refuse to believe that IPv4 address exhaustion is actually a thing.

Imagine how many problems would be caused by releasing 0/8 and 127/8 space. There are so many places those are hardcoded, including an uncountable number of internal company applications.

It is irresponsible to use (let alone to hardcode) those addresses in the first place. But in any case, fortunately, software can be patched and it has been done so already in 'tricky' cases: Y2K and X.509 UTCTIME are examples.

My company operates big networks and it caught us off guard when 44/8 got used on the public Internet. Internal tooling used the space because it was assumed to be non-routable. Assumptions like this always carry a risk and sooner or later, they need to be fixed. In our case, a workaround could be produced within hours, and it was fixed within weeks.

0/8 support has been added in the Linux kernel as well.

Edit: scdown.qq.com resolves to and is possibly related to WeChat. I am not sure, if the address is actually routable in China, though.

I doubt anything containing is advertised in China (it's definitely not outside of China). Looks like an address someone would use to indicate an error condition.

... which is just another example of the zillions of cases that would have to be dealt with.

Sure, each one is probably quite easy. But the sheer number of them is huge, and many of them will only be uncovered after they fail, setting off a frantic search for the retired guy with the source code.

With Y2K there was a combination of self-interest and hysteria that motivated organizations to tackle it. With this, it's harder to make that case because IPv6 is here already. I'm sure very few of those applications with hardcoded are IPv6-ready, but everyone else can move ahead with IPv6 and those old apps will keep working for years to come. Unleashing as someone's residential IP address will result in seemingly random failures that cause headaches for the ISP, application developers, and corporate IT departments. It'll be a very unpopular idea.

My principal reason for proposing that 127 be reduced to a /16 instead of a /8 was to help unwind the kubernetes hairball.

I have no idea to what extent 0/8 is being used today. I do see quite a bit of 240/4 in private networks. It's a shame that last may never be publically allocated.

Does anyone have a good resource to really get ipv6? I have an intuitive understanding of ipv4 but still struggle to understand ipv6 in a way that would make me feel comfortable switching over. So far, all docs I read made it look vastly more complicated than ipv4.

What kind of user/admin are you? To setup a LAN, to setup servers, other? If it's a LAN, what kind of router do you have?

I agree many howtos tend to get into the little obscure differences and weird rabbit holes (ex: tunnelling).

Not IPv6 specific, but I can't recommend Networking for System Administrators by Michael Lucas highly enough. Very well written and easy to understand.

I still remember my university mini project from 20-25 years ago about the exhaustion of the IPv4 address space :-) Nice poster/visualization, even with the small preview image.

The 2006 version from xkcd https://xkcd.com/195/

I noticed that is reserved for "Future Use". As IPv4 is going to be replaced by v6 (slowly, ok, but still...), what is that future use supposed to be?

Edit: I just saw that my question has already been answered in this thread.

There is quite a block of multicast addresses in IPv4. Is it used for anything in real life?

Signal distribution (specifically audio and video) uses it heavily with a smattering of different protocols building on RTP. Major examples are things like media production facilities running on SMPTE 2110, live and installed sound systems built around Dante/AES67, IPTV systems in hotels, and network media systems within office environments.

Precision Time Protocol (which many if the above are also dependant on) is also based around it and used across a number of domains where tight clock sync is required.

Use it all the time. If you watched the fireworks on TV in the U.K. last night that was sent via multicast from the river for example.

Closed circuit IPTV systems use it constantly. I’ve got about 500 addresses ok my network encoding different video and audio channels for desktop use.

That said I only use addresses in the 239/8 and 224/8.

IPv6 is so expansive and seemingly endless that it reminds me of driving through the Midwest

And consider they're only showing 2000::/4, so that chart only represents 1/16th of the entire IPv6 space.

So how do we get those IPv4 blocks back from Ford and Prudential?

Dump trucks full of unmarked non-sequential US currency

Why does it all start with "2"? e.g. 2000 -> 2f00? Where are the other prefix segments?

> Where are the other prefix segments?

Currently not needed.

The IETF/IANA folks were a bit cautious, so only 2000::/3 is officially designated to be assigned. If, a few years down the road, they find out that a mistake was someone made in address allocations, they can then 'start over' from the lessons learned, and start assigning things from 4000::/3.

If they made a mistake again, they can start over again with 6000::/3. And then 8000::/3, a000::/3, and c000::/3.

* https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv6-address-space/ipv6-add...

So that's why all global unicast addresses start with 2: they're to be 'conservative' in what is usable so that if there are problems there is room for corrections in the coming years/decades/centuries.

We don't want to have to go through another IP protocol transition.

Because IANA started delegating prefixes starting with 2. And haven't done enough delegations to go to 3. Prefixes starting with 0 of F are also in use for mapping IPv4 addresses to IPv6, link local and multicast adressing and other special needs.

As yet unissued, according to the page.

Is 3ffe::/16 (6bone) still active on the Internet?

It’s been shutdown since 2006: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3701

Serious question: why would I want to purchase this as a poster?

Asking as a nerd, but maybe not a very specific data oriented nerd.

Don't really understand the purpose of this question. If you want it, you want it. If you don't, you don't.

I find these maps make great screensavers or desktop backgrounds. Why not a poster? That said maybe I'll wait a few years before ordering the ipv6 poster, I have black paper at home.

I could see it being a neat illustration in a high school classroom.

I agree, it would be much cooler to 3D print it, using the image as a heightmap. Maybe even make 4 separate pieces to increase scale. Preferably in a FOSS 3D printer using home-made plastic, with the models uploaded from a PDP-11 only using the shell.

I agree, but I think it would almost as cool to reproduce the 3D model in Minecraft, hire people to keep it up-to-date in real time, and then project that into your room. Or maybe a stadium.

For decorative purposes. Just like having a globe or a map.

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