Content aside, I dislike the giant-image-as-page-layout style. I remember seeing stuff like that in the 90s, but given the rich abilities of browsers to style content, no one should do this anymore.
Bonus gripe: the pie chart is totally misleading, for two related reasons:
- Some segments are arbitrarily taller than other segments (makes them look bigger)
- Some segments are deeper than other segments due to where they are in the bubble.
"Real identity" is listed as 4% of the graph, but it's not clear if they intended for it to be 4% of the volume, top-down area, or horizontal distance on the graph.
It's the worst kind of chartjunk: not just unnecessary, but actively misleading.
Giant images have more power to do striking layouts than CSS does. The advantage of CSS is that it will probably look good in every browser, while a giant image is a particular size and doesn't scale.
Images can have greater.... imagery? Can't think of a good word for it right now.