> Git is privately-owned, and stuffed with all kinds of unaudited junk. [...] I've been using Debian derivatives for years
Git is owned by the same owner as Linux. If you've been using Debian derivatives for years it seems you must have some trust to give that private entity? Unless the derivative you speak of is Debian GNU/k*BSD?
Furthermore, if you give trust to Debian derivative projects, why not trust their Git builds? If you trust everything else in their distribution Git is a curious omission. Do you have a personal beef with Torvalds or something?
Git is owned by the same owner as Linux. If you've been using Debian derivatives for years it seems you must have some trust to give that private entity? Unless the derivative you speak of is Debian GNU/k*BSD?
Furthermore, if you give trust to Debian derivative projects, why not trust their Git builds? If you trust everything else in their distribution Git is a curious omission. Do you have a personal beef with Torvalds or something?