The smartphone is the worst invention in the history of the world. Worse than nuclear weapons, worse than corona virus, worse than leaded gasoline. It is an enslavement device, a tracking device, a spying device.
[EDIT] Messaging "apps" used to be neutral but now are trending negative due to being controlled by spy companies.
Taxation is theft so making it easier doesn't sound like a good thing.
Spotify is a service designed to remove your property rights under guise of giving you access to a large catalogue.
Dropbox is a government surveillance service. Upload your files so the government can scan them.
Nope. Roads? Government won't let me drive without more taxes. Healthcare? Haven't seen a doctor in a decade, not that it is "free" here anyway. Electricity, gas, water: paid for by me with duties and levies and tax on top. Firefighters? Have never once called for their services but I would pay them when needed. Police? They're the ones who enforce the stealing. Plus they get special privileges the rest of us don't.
[EDIT] Messaging "apps" used to be neutral but now are trending negative due to being controlled by spy companies.
Taxation is theft so making it easier doesn't sound like a good thing.
Spotify is a service designed to remove your property rights under guise of giving you access to a large catalogue.
Dropbox is a government surveillance service. Upload your files so the government can scan them.
Drones are govt surveillance devices.
3d printing is neutral.