Every non-SPA that I’ve worked on ended up accreting interactivity to the point that I’d wished we had started with a single, unified, well-structured way for managing the UI that handled interactivity well.
I used to do a lot of native Windows apps in C, VB6, and C#. To me, Preact + TypeScript is as good in many ways, better in some, and worse in others— but it averages out to be just fine from a developer perspective.
I personally don’t miss the old native UI days.
The majority of jank that I see on the web is not due to React or Angular or whatnot. It’s due to ads, trackers, and to product owner’s inability to say “no” to piling a million things into important screens.
I used to do a lot of native Windows apps in C, VB6, and C#. To me, Preact + TypeScript is as good in many ways, better in some, and worse in others— but it averages out to be just fine from a developer perspective.
I personally don’t miss the old native UI days.
The majority of jank that I see on the web is not due to React or Angular or whatnot. It’s due to ads, trackers, and to product owner’s inability to say “no” to piling a million things into important screens.
It is a misplacement of blame to blame React.