There's a vast chasm between "whoever wrote this article didn't think to link to a similar issue a year ago" and "the first incident was a malicious hoax".
I don't understand the original comment to suggest that. Rather: it's a known issue. ChatGPT does nothing new, and certainly doesn't do it by itself -- it just rehashes what others have already written. Like Google might send you visitors for something that's not even present on your website because others link to you mentioning it.
What the comment suggested was that they're now bringing this up again to get attention (and links) since it's combined with ChatGPT. That's not "malicious", but it's also not exactly "wow, we just realized this happens".
Ed is my co-founder, he writes all our blog posts because I suck I writing. He also does more than half of our podcast episodes (the guy on the left). Last I saw him (yesterday) he was real.
No history at all. Do you have any undisclosed relationship? Hmm. My post was getting traction then suddenly its downvoted to the bottom. Maybe it was a social media management platform. Do you know anyone who runs one of those?