Exercise does nothing for obesity whatsoever. Every single weight loss study reaches the same conclusion: the impact of exercise alone is negligible.
There's long been a stigma that only fat people have sleep apnea, which is not only false, but it is virtually impossible to lose weight when you have untreated sleep apnea. Meaning that people with sleep apnea are likely to get fat. And even with CPAP, which will greatly improve sleep apnea, you might still end up with UARS which will still make it impossible to lose weight.
Fact of the matter is, we don't know what causes sleep apnea in most people. It is certainly true that excess weight (especially on the chest and neck) can worsen or even cause sleep apnea in some people, but there are plenty of fat folks who don't get apneas. While there are also plenty of skinny folks whose airways collapse in their sleep.
There's long been a stigma that only fat people have sleep apnea, which is not only false, but it is virtually impossible to lose weight when you have untreated sleep apnea. Meaning that people with sleep apnea are likely to get fat. And even with CPAP, which will greatly improve sleep apnea, you might still end up with UARS which will still make it impossible to lose weight.
Fact of the matter is, we don't know what causes sleep apnea in most people. It is certainly true that excess weight (especially on the chest and neck) can worsen or even cause sleep apnea in some people, but there are plenty of fat folks who don't get apneas. While there are also plenty of skinny folks whose airways collapse in their sleep.