Amazon is such an anti-human company. From their warehouses to their tech workers they are terrible against people. That said, if people like these stores then good for them.
I am honestly shocked and confused when people enjoy this. Or targeted ads or *GPT generated content. I am not anti-tech by any means. Maybe I am just not impressed and awed enough by these technologies to overlook the downsides?
I don't support "all progress is good progress" mentality with tech. I find these cashierless stores lazy and needlessly compromising on privacy. Just have a man-trap (locking revolving door for the unaware) that lets you in after you scan a card or speak/type your amazon id and give shoppers a smart cart thay detects what you put in and use cameras only to enforce all items you take are put in the cart. That and facial recognition privacy protection will get me to go there (but hey, i order everything for delivery anyways).
They can do better while protecting consumers but choose not to because of the precedent set allowing them to track movements on a store as a feature. So why can't this be used to keep you safe in apartment complexes, parking lots (car theives),etc... soon facial recognition will be id'ing me everywhere I go! The laws to protect people are nowhere near where they should be. So what are my choices? Move to the arctic and build an igloo?
Much to my surprise, I genuinely loved the experience im the Amazon Go stores. I was super skeptical, but it is really convenient. I didn’t know how much I hate checkout lines or self-service checkout counters until I visited an Amazon Go store.
Amazon also owns Ring which can be used to protect your home (although it’s certainly less sophisticated). I own a Ring home security system and I’m very fond of it. Same for my parents when they go for their vacation home - big game changer for their ease of mind. Now, I’m not super fond of how Ring shared footage without consent in some countries with authorities; but it’s probably the company I trust most with my personal data footage etc. And I deem them more capable in protecting my data.
You would be so disappointed to know that people value their convenience and 5 minutes of fame more than anything.
See TikTok, it captures so much data, and it's publicly known, Even TikTok doesn't deny it. Yet people dont stop using it.
Companies are just taking advantage of it. See the positive comments here. It almost boils down to I hate checkout lines, so I want the convenience of being tracked, let my face expressions/action on seeing a product be allowed to train some Ad engine etc etc.
We trade off a lot of personal data for transactions we conduct daily using tech, yet we are utterly surprised when that is used against us.
Amazon bought One Medical. Buying cheese every day? Guess who is gonna soon get pre diagnosed with heart issues or marked with higher premiums.
Others will laugh at my comment, but I won't be surprised, at least.
>I am honestly shocked and confused when people enjoy this. Or targeted ads or *GPT generated content. I am not anti-tech by any means. Maybe I am just not impressed and awed enough by these technologies to overlook the downsides?
Some people believe these are amazing things. They tell other people that these are amazing things, so more people believe it, or at least accept it as default. Whereas I look at these things and think I live in bizarro-world with how much other people seem to enjoy them.
I am honestly shocked and confused when people enjoy this. Or targeted ads or *GPT generated content. I am not anti-tech by any means. Maybe I am just not impressed and awed enough by these technologies to overlook the downsides?
I don't support "all progress is good progress" mentality with tech. I find these cashierless stores lazy and needlessly compromising on privacy. Just have a man-trap (locking revolving door for the unaware) that lets you in after you scan a card or speak/type your amazon id and give shoppers a smart cart thay detects what you put in and use cameras only to enforce all items you take are put in the cart. That and facial recognition privacy protection will get me to go there (but hey, i order everything for delivery anyways).
They can do better while protecting consumers but choose not to because of the precedent set allowing them to track movements on a store as a feature. So why can't this be used to keep you safe in apartment complexes, parking lots (car theives),etc... soon facial recognition will be id'ing me everywhere I go! The laws to protect people are nowhere near where they should be. So what are my choices? Move to the arctic and build an igloo?