If I compare this feature list to e.g. features of xterm (VT52/VT100/VT220/VT320/VT420/partial VT520 support, graphics via Sixel/ReGIS/Tek4014, …), I don't see a single reason why wezterm should be roughly 100MB large (according to pacman on Archlinux) vs roughly 1MB for xterm.
If you think "but terminal multiplexing and SSH!", then feel free to add 0.9MB for screen (or 1MB for tmux) and 4.8MB for openssh, and you're still way below the size of wezterm.
If you think "but terminal multiplexing and SSH!", then feel free to add 0.9MB for screen (or 1MB for tmux) and 4.8MB for openssh, and you're still way below the size of wezterm.