You may have noticed in general that convenience costs you money. A charger which is in China and you will get in a month is indeed worth 50 cents because all that's worth to you.
A charger right this second, at the exact location (airport, past security) is obviously going to cost more.
Both because you are being charged a convenience premium, and because chances are nobody would bother setting up vending for 50 cents (just think about hiring cleared employees, supplying your store on that side of security, rental of that very limited space)
In general, I find myself much less outraged at what things cost once I became versed in market dynamics.
If you are a businessman who forgot his charger in the hotel and your flight got delayed, you are thrilled to pay $35 for it (vs not having it at all since nobody would bother selling it)
> A charger right this second, at the exact location (airport, past security) is obviously going to cost more.
I think the point they're making is that it's curious that "a charger right this second, at this exact supermarket" is nowhere near 33 usd in 2015 prices. It's specifically airports, not about waiting for 3 weeks (or even 3 hours) of shipping.
A charger right this second, at the exact location (airport, past security) is obviously going to cost more.
Both because you are being charged a convenience premium, and because chances are nobody would bother setting up vending for 50 cents (just think about hiring cleared employees, supplying your store on that side of security, rental of that very limited space)
In general, I find myself much less outraged at what things cost once I became versed in market dynamics.
If you are a businessman who forgot his charger in the hotel and your flight got delayed, you are thrilled to pay $35 for it (vs not having it at all since nobody would bother selling it)