I've subscribed to the RSS feed. I thought the feed would provide links the significant news articles directly, but it appears to provide a link to the newsminimalist.com summary. That's totally fine, but I'd think it'd be a bit nicer if there was an option to access the articles directly.
I'm also using ChatGPT to scrape online info and reduce it. Were there any particularly interesting problems that you had to solve? For me, it was figuring out ways to reduce the number of tokens so I don't hemorrhage money!
I've subscribed to the RSS feed. I thought the feed would provide links the significant news articles directly, but it appears to provide a link to the newsminimalist.com summary. That's totally fine, but I'd think it'd be a bit nicer if there was an option to access the articles directly.
I'm also using ChatGPT to scrape online info and reduce it. Were there any particularly interesting problems that you had to solve? For me, it was figuring out ways to reduce the number of tokens so I don't hemorrhage money!